Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
Depending on how you were raised your attitudes to Self-Care could be quite varied. I’d like to encourage you to analyse your attitude to Self-Care and see what that brings up for you.
- Do you feel guilty taking time off for yourself?
- Do you feel as though you need to be ‘productive’ every hour of the day?
- Does the idea of bubble baths make you want to vomit? :P
Really look at WHY you might feel guilt, shame or disgust at doing things that are beneficial for you. Take some time to journal out your thoughts and engage the help of a Healer or coach that can help you work through these roadblocks. After all you cannot pour from an empty cup.
Re-Frame Self-Care
Self-care in our society has been made to be ‘special occasion’ things you do every once in a while, like a nice massage every 6 months, or a pedicure or a holiday each year. I’d like to challenge you to change your perspective. Self-care is doing the necessary, sometimes basic and boring ‘stuff’ everyday that you NEED to thrive in this world.
Things such as:
· Getting a good nights sleep (going to bed early)
· Eating highly nutritious foods and avoiding junk/fake food
· Limiting daily toxins such as the news, people who don’t have your best interest at heart, smoking, etc
· Making sure you have clean sheets on your bed and clean undies 😉
· Meditating for 10min daily
· Time management so you’re not rushed and stressed
· Daily movement
All of this stuff is not highly glamorous and not the kind of thing you will likely see on an Instagram highlight reel. But they are very important to your health and overall happiness.
What are 3 things you will focus on for Self-Care this Month?
In Love and Soundness,